Building Strong Connections with Self…

 Facilitated by Jeffery D. Janney, LCSW, MSSA

 Mindfulness Training is an 8-week class that coaches the individual on evidence-based mindfulness techniques and practices which provide the individual with increased skills for self-control, stress tolerance, enhanced flexibility of thought, improved concentration, and emotional regulation. Ultimately, mindfulness practice increases the individual’s ability to relate to themselves and others with greater kindness, acceptance, and compassion.   

Multiple academic research studies cite the benefits of mindfulness practice specifically for individuals on the autism spectrum. Such benefits include improvements in symptoms of anxiety and depression, sleep, rumination, social responsiveness, and communication.  Additionally, improvements made in these areas lead to an overall improvement in learning and general skill acquisition.

This course is taught by a licensed, degreed professional with specific training and experience in mindfulness practice.  The course is specifically designed for individuals who can function independently in a group setting, including the ability to refrain from talking for periods up to 20 minutes at a time. Participants will be asked to log daily practice of mindfulness techniques throughout the 8-week course.