Building Strong Connections With Others…

Family-Focused Consultation (also known as Person-Centered Strategies) is a unique service provided in the individual’s home by an experienced, degreed professional who will develop and implement positive, proactive, and evidenced-based strategies.  The primary outcome is to improve the individual’s overall quality of life across all their environments.  Household members and caregivers will receive education, coaching, and encouragement (cheerleading) on various individualized strategies to promote more positive interactions between the individual and supporting family. This service focuses on making changes to the person’s home environment to increase healthy skills, reduce problem situations, and promote more positive interactions with others.

 Positive support strategies may include, but are not limited to:

  • Incentive procedures

  • Clarifying expectations

  • Adaptive measures

  • Visual routines/schedules

  • Transition schedules

  • Communication plans

  • Teaching strategies

  • Skill enhancements